To give an illustration, let's take this blog. After I have written and published this post, the only people who will know that I have a new post are those that subscribed to either the Feedburner or the Google Reader on the sidebar (which I am encouraging you to do right now ^^). To be able to let other people know, I need to make an update on my Twitter, Linkedin, and Facebook accounts. The effort to do so is multiplied with the number of social network sites that you belong to.
Through Hubze, one update on my Hubze card informing those connected to me at the Hubze network that I have a new post will also tell people on my Twitter, Linkedin and Facebook networks (who may not be using Hubze) that I have a new post. When I change my contact details, the mirror details in Twitter and Facebook also gets updated. In effect, it becomes a single point of updating for me, allowing me to concentrate more on matters more important to my blog (such as content creation and site design) than having to repeat the announcement in every social network site. It also helps to ensure that I get to update each and every social network site I belong to. For a business person, that would mean being able to reach more audience at a fraction of a time. Other contents are in the works such as an in-house blog and making the site searchable.
Well, at least that's what the developers envision Hubze to accomplish. It's still in its very early stage, though the Hubze card will probably be out in a couple of days. You can click on the pic above to take you to the registration page, with me as referror. It really doesn't matter if you have been referred or not, you can simply go to their site at www.hubze.com if you like. But by being connected to me, we have started the networking and we can check on the effect of Hubze to our networks.
Thanks and let me know if you signed up and what's your initial impression of Hubze.
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