I'll be tinkering with the layout of this blog for a couple of days and I just thought it appropriate to let you all of you know about it for a couple of reasons. One, I wouldn't want you thinking you were redirected to some unknown internet backdoor alley that would eventually strip you of your valuables. Second, the changes may affect the placement of some items, or I might unintentionally remove it. This would be the case with the Entrecard widget as well as the Ask2Link tabs. I understand I can have some problems should that be the case, so this advance notice and explanation. Lastly, and most importantly, I would like to get your feedback. The new layout will definitely not be the last one I will implement. I don't even consider it earth-shaking, but in my opinion it would be an improvement over the current standard Blogger layout.
If I might not be able to implement your suggestions at this point, it will go a long way when I start planning for the next set of changes. Also, the changes I will implement will not happen in one big bang, but I would probably put the layout in, leave it a while, tinker with it again after a few hours, then leave it a while again. That could provide me the opportunity to see how the changes are being appreciated. So, I hope you'd pitch in ^^
With that said, thank you very much for your patronage this far and I hope my efforts will be able to somehow provide you with a pleasanter experience when you visit this blog.
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