I'm off to Kingston, Jamaica this Monday to participate in the Caribbean Remittance Forum hosted by the World Bank in cooperation with the Canadian Government and the University of West Indies. The regional forum aims at sharing knowledge and generating dialogue to enhance the efficiency and integrity of the migration and remittance transfer process in the Caribbean region through effective regulatory and supervisory processes.
The Philippines has been invited to participate in the forum to share experiences in the regulation of innovative remittance products. As a regulator, I will be discussing the overall Philippine scenario on remittance and the policies set in place to provide proactive guidance to different participants in the remittance system.
The Philippine approach to the regulation of mobile commerce, which includes remittance and money transfers, has been favorably recognized by publications such as The Economist. I wrote about it here. Yet, every opportunity for knowledge sharing such as this still holds lessons to be learned and applied to further improve and maximize the benefits to be derived from a well-functioning remittance and payment system.
I will be sharing more on this in future posts, and I hope you will join in the discussions.
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