You register to Fiverr, and if you have something to sell (either something you will deliver or service you will perform) you post a notice called "gig" which are fixed at the price of $5 each. Conversely, you can browse or search through the gigs and buy one that you need.
Buyers pay $5 in advance via Paypal, while sellers get their net share of $4 (the site keeps the $1 as fee) after the sale has been completed. Sellers are notified that buyers are interested in what they are selling, and they have 24 hours to accept the order, otherwise the system cancels the order.
I haven't gone through the list of gigs available for purchase, but one problem I see in this set up is the lack of protection to the sellers. The Terms and Conditions state that if a purchase is canceled by the seller, the amount paid by the seller through Paypal will not be credited back to their Paypal account but will remain in their Fiverr account and will be available for their next purchase. The trouble with this is if you've got several canceled purchases or you do not see other goods and services that you would like to buy, you've got your money locked-in. It would be better if the buyer at least has the option to get back his money (minus any processing fees) when his Fiverr account reaches a certain amount, the way that the seller gets their Paypal account after reaching the $40 threshold.
With that said, the possibility of finding some gems in this virtual haystack is always there. And for those of you who have time to burn, you may check out the Silly Stuff category for some amusement.
And while you're at it, why don't you leave a comment and let us know what will you be willing to buy or sell for $5. You might just get the deal of your life!
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